Talk about an epic time….this bride has with anything life throws at her. We may have to celebrate in a way that is unexpected, but the memories that unfolded, were captured, tears that fell, times that was had is simply priceless. The wedding was planned for a HUGE ordeal at the Tincaps Stadium at the end of April. Instead, this was the BIGGEST way to make it happen sooner than later!! Still surrounded by the closest people in her life. The family! And how beautiful was she???!!!

Meet her Groom and his lovely Mom:

And the party is by far OVER!!


The Jump’s were officially wed on 4-4-2020!! That’s right JUMP….#bestlastnameever
So take a look at just a few moments throughout this moment in time that will be
forever in our hearts!

Unplanned moments live in our minds end up so much louder as we grow old and I appreciate the ability as an artist to look back on this time and knew I was still surrounded in the impact of Love & Gratitude!

Dear Karley & Eric,

Thank You both so much for inviting me into your lives, sharing your moment of unity! This is a pivot point in many lives and with us facing so much uncertainty….it’s a FRESH breathe of air to be engulfed in the power of LOVE! Looking forward to the ‘renewal’ and in the meantime, enjoy your new life now being Husband & Wife. Enjoy your sneak peeks.

Much Love,

Rebecca Louise

#staywell #bekind #takecareofyou